----Cradle of the Sun Tips

Glass Cutting - Soldering - Leading - Glass Creation/Selection - Tools Supplies/Equipment - Puttying - Misc



Method #1 - "Same Day Puttying" (Using pre-mixed putty)

MATERIALS: container of grey SG putty, Putty knife(or similar tool), 1 tampico-bristle scrub/nail brush, whiting, sharp pencil shaped stick, brown cotton gloves, bench brush

1. Using DAP '1012' or Stained Glass Putty, kneed the putty into a smooth working consistency.
2. Shove putty under lead flanges with thumb or putty knife at a 45° angle. Use the putty knife to shove in/cut off excess putty.
3. Repeat on side two.


4. While still on side two, sprinkle a small amount of WHITING onto panel and rub with a cloth (or ideally wear brown cotton gloves). This will remove the oils and flux from the surface and begin setting the putty.
5. Use clean PUTTY BRUSH to brush panel along lead lines (SAME DIRECTION as leads) in order to remove excess putty.
6. Use bench brush to remove remaining powder.
7. With the putty brush, brush ACROSS leads to burnish the leads and solder to a dark color. This requires a vigorous action to achieve proper darkness.
8. Turn panel to side one and repeat steps 4-7
9. Use sharp wooden stick held vertically against edge of leads and zip it around each piece of glass to remove any remaining putty for final cleanup. It's advisable for the panel to remain flat and undisturbed for several days to allow the putty to set up.


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"Two Day Puttying" (Using 2-part putty)

MATERIALS: Liquid and dry components to make putty, large juice or coffee can for mixing, 3 tampico-bristle scrub/nail brushes, whiting, sharp pencil shaped stick, brown cotton gloves, bench brush

(1) 16oz liquid + (2) Two lb dry = 34oz putty = avg. 50 sq feet coverage

1. Using "Two-Part Putty" from Cradle of the Sun, be outside-it's messy.
2. Mix to consistency of cold honey and using PUTTY BRUSH #1, brush mixture under lead flanges at a 45° angle. Clean up the excess putty by brushing in line with the lead and then scraping the brush on the tin can you used to mix the putty.
3. Repeat on side two.
4. While still on side two, after cleaning the excess putty off as well as you are able, sprinkle a small amount of WHITING onto the panel and rub with a cloth (or wear cotton gloves). This will remove oils and flux from the surface of the glass and begin setting the putty.
5. Use clean PUTTY BRUSH #2 to brush panel along lead lines (same direction as leads) in order to remove any excess powder and putty.
6. Use bench brush to remove remaining powder.
7. Clean panel with PUTTY BRUSH #2 as best as possible
8. Turn panel to opposite side (side 1) and clean oozed out putty with PUTTY BRUSH #1. Scrape off the brush on the tin can. Repeat steps 4-7.

Allow panel to sit undisturbed for 1 to 2 days (depending on consistency of beginning mix).

9. Use wooden stick against leads to clean excess putty. (Panel set nearly vertical against a board will make these steps easier.)
10. Use clean PUTTY BRUSH #3 to brush vigorously in line with leads to clean panel.
11. Brush ACROSS leads vigorously to burnish leads and solder to a rich dark color.
12. Turn panel and repeat steps 9-12.

NOTES: Discard putty brush #1; #2 now becomes #1 for next puttying job, #3 becomes #2. CLEAN UP MUST BE DONE BEFORE PUTTY SETS COMPLETELY!! Don't wait more than 1 or 2 days to do final cleanup

All this is much easier to explain and see in the video. Return to top: